Archive for Exterior scenes

These days I am getting outside my usual line of work with some renders that are on the graphical side of 3d art. As I have written before, I am involved with RenderStreet: a growing online render farm developed by a team of close friends (..and family). Now I am going to produce some new graphics for the website as there has been a lot of work involved in building this but the graphics part was a bit left behind. One thing we agreed upon is that any graphical work, including the logo, will be entirely rendered in Blender. This way all visitors to the site could immediately feel at home! The project is called RenderStreet and I am an architect, so a little architectural imagery is bound to pop up (though I have a secret page layout in preparation that will escape the archviz curse and bring a little more fun. I’ll make that the topic of a future post).
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It’s been awfully cloudy and dark last week around here but I got all the Sun I needed… in Blender at least! My client asked for a quick sun study on his project and I remembered looking at a cool add-on sometime ago. It’s called Sun Position, just download and add it to your addons list.
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Blendermama 100

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Welcome to my number 100 post on Blendermama!

I have started this blog in 2009 so maybe 100 is not that large a number for the given period. I had first met Blender a long time ago (almost 10 years actually) but the “mama” part was added that year.  I have made some stops on the way, stumbled a bit over the 2.5 threshold, promised stuff then didn’t make time to deliver it. The Blender world and archviz industry are both moving fast around me and I feel it’s a tough task to keep a blog afloat and interesting on this subjects on a mum-working-from-home schedule.
But I am very pleased. Blendermama is my pet project and pressing “publish” on my 100th post will put a big smile on my face! Working with Blender and connecting with the Blender community is important to me.
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Compositing a Graphic look

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Inspired by some cool tutorials on postporcessing archviz illustration styles, I tried my hand at using Blender’s Compositor for creating this type of image. The original tutorial used Sketchup+Photoshop and this I think would be easy to recreate with Blender+ps or Gimp, but I took the challenge to mix it all in the Compositor.
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Line drawing in Blender

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Today I just felt like doing something else and the last scene I blended seemed suitable for an orthographic edge render.
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