
Finished project – Cycles interior


Today I needed to have one nice finished Cycles scene as a test for something my husband is working on (later I will write about this too) so I dropped everything else and finished my pet Cycles interior scene.

I wrapped it up in quite a hurry, deciding for instance that books with white covers look best 😛 and I didn’t render it at a really high resolution. I might come back and do that after a new Blender/Cycles release. As work is going on nicely on cycles (less noisy renders and render layers are well on the way) I expect the next official Blender release will fix a lot of issues and I’ll be working on some more Cycles interiors, until then I think this will do.

I am still having trouble with the simple glass material in Cycles, so here is what I actually did to get those reflections in the windows.

I rendered the scene twice, once with no glass object at all, so you can just see the background-on-a-plane I put outside, no reflection, then I put the glass in but as a perfect mirror no transparency and rendered a second time. This “pass” I had to cut short while some noise was still lingering, as my kid was in bed next room and she complained my computer was too noisy, ups!

This is how the reflection render looked:

I had to ditch the emitter surface from the windows as it interfered with the mirror object and didn’t find why, so the scene is darker.

Then I mixed the two images in Gimp using screen mode on the mirror layer – seemed to work best – and made some contrast adjustments to the base layer. Think it works rather well, better at any rate than what I had with glass in Cycles.

The Cycles version with render layers will probably make it possible to have this sort of thing done in Blender directly, though I hope architectural glass will be there also.

Sofa and poufs are free models from Archive3d

I posted the wood floor settings here.

  • Ray Tungsteen

    Nice progress! Did you model everything yourself, and how did you do the curtain?

    Keep it up, looking forward to more.

  • Carrozza

    This scene has your peaceful and beauty touch, Oana!
    Brava! ^__^

  • Oana

    Thanks! 🙂
    The sofa and pouf are free models, I added the link to the post.
    I don’t like modelling sofas too much 🙂 I can do it if I need a particular model but I don’t mind using free or paid models!
    The rest is modelled by myself for this image. For the curtain I used the cloth simulator and a lot of pulling around the vertices with proportional editing. I found the simulator, though fun, a bit hard to fine tune. Or maybe I didn’t get the settings well, but I changed something just a tiny bit and my curtain went all bezerk. Wasted a lot of time on that. I think at the last moment something happened to my UV mapping, those weird patterns were not exactly meant to happen. I hope I will get back to it some time in the future and fix a few little details, also render it larger.

  • Ray Tungsteen

    Hey Oana, thanks for explaining. Something just occurred to me – I’d be keener to pick up a book and at least leaf through it if the cover is white than otherwise! So you’re on to something there. If you make this more photorealistic, you might add some colour here and there, but keep a few of them white (with text). Let the viewer figure it out. Come to think of it, there’s hardly anything more offputting than a book with a shiny, garish wrap. Book covers should be matt, white, minimalistic, Japanese style. Why I am obsessing about book covers all of a sudden..? LOL 😀

    Do you use measurements when designing, like the coffee tables? I ask because I find it a great “work stopper” if I’m not confident about object proportions. Recently I measeured some of my furniture and it helped a lot.

    This is way too long for a blog reply…. I think I’ll start a blog called “Ray Tungsteen’s Replies to Blendermama”.. 😛

  • Oana

    That’s a fine name for a blog… very successful, you’ll be sure to have one reader!
    Until you get it set up, please use the comments area here without limitations 🙂

    It’s true, a real bookcase looks far too untidy with all those books in all shapes and colors, not zen at all. I’d have fun making white covers for all. Then … I’d have more fun asking friends to look for themselves for books they’d like to borrow 😛

    I do use measurements, and even if I am supposed to know by heart all furniture standard measurements I often pick up a ruler and measure things around. Also, if I’m modelling a real furniture piece, like a classic design, I use the measurements if I find them on the net. I often find the dimensions on the sites selling them.
    Like this lamp .
    Are you politely telling me those tables are too low? That was ..on purpose!

  • Gorgeous. Sounds like it took a lot of messing with, but the results were worth it in my opinion.

  • Oana

    Thank you Maria! Unfortunately it takes me so much time to complete one project (lack of time + a bit of “messing a lot with” habit)

    I found out why the curtain looks wrong 🙂 Inadvertently I had turned on a layer containing a curtain variant from the many tryouts I had made… so there are two curtains mixed there, I’ll have to rerender for sure!

  • Ray Tungsteen

    If you’re going to render again, I would brighten the outdoor scene a little, to better match the tree and the interior.

    And thanks for the link, it’s very useful.

  • Oana

    I reuploaded the image with the small correction on the curtain. I also worked a bit on the outside, lightened up the scenery and darkened the tree trunk that I now realised was too blown out. I didn’t yet try the latest Unofficial Blender releases but I found that the last “official” already has some Cycles improvements I didn’t notice before: in the node material there are new nodes, a value/saturation/hue one for textures, very useful – or rather, it was difficult not to have it at all. Still, I had to brighten the background image separately in gimp as the Blender node didn’t allow for much subtelty and the result looked blown out. Spotted something else new, though didn’t use it yet: “transparent” check in the render->film tab, should render the background transparent!

  • rudl


    Have you already a fix for the glass ?

    Got the same problem with glass too, I fixed it by connecting a glossy material as mirror and a transparent material with the mix node, so you don’t have to render it twice 😉

    I also tried to mix several glass materials with different IOR settings so the transition between completely reflective and refractive is a bit softer, but the result is of course not perfect. Looks like this with 4 different glass materials:
    (You know that building ^^)

    got the model from here:

  • Oana

    Hi! Thanks fot sharing that, I didn’t get to work too much this summer but I will hopefully get back to the blog now in september. I had tried mixing those nodes but got some milky result, I’ll look into your settings!
    Good tip for the 3d models too 😉

  • Incredible work, the view is outstanding and love the atmosphere. Best luck in the future =)

  • I love the difference in the lightning effect in the night and day. Really inspiring work, thank you.