Currently blending: small box house
ByI have started on a new personal project just to practice all sorts of stuff I’ve learned during the past months. Also, my Blender gallery badly needs improvement.
It is a small house but I plan to add more detail and insert it in a nice “lake at dusk” scene.
For this one I thought of working all the interior parts – the inside of walls and furniture – on a different layer I can then light with “this layer only” lights, so the lighting scheme is more manageable and I can properly lit the interior for the “dusk” thing.
The inside of walls was really easy to separate as I used the solidify modifier to model them: I assigned a different material to the new faces, then I selected by material in edit mode and separated the faces to a new object.
It’s also a good example for a post I am preparing on texture mapping, so ..stay tuned and see how it turns out 🙂
greg p