
Clicking around


The first time I installed Blender on my computer some 5-6 years ago. And I opened it. And I clicked around a few times. And I closed it. I was not ready for Blender yet.

A few years later I installed it again and yet again I opened it. This time something clicked – besides the mouse – so I looked around for some documentation and I got so far as to press the render button for a very simple model. But things were not quite in place yet because every time I tried to do something “fast” – as real life work demands – I got stuck on some basic task and got mad and went back to familiar software.

The third time seems the lucky one, now I have time to try everything patiently, I am going through all the chapters one at a time, and at present I’m somewhere in the middle, maybe at 48,7% mission completed!

So I am able to share some stuff I’m good at and some things that still puzzle me.