
Happy new 2012 blending!


I don’t really like New Year resolutions because it makes me look back at previous year resolutions not materialised and feel guilty. But you can’t go through all the New Year fuss without looking back at all, and there I saw dragging behind me a couple of unfinished projects. So this was my “resolution”: to finish these fast, put them behind me and get back to the blank canvas, start new ideas and do better stuff.

I wish you all a very good, prosperous and creative year!

(featured image: easel and curtain detail from interior image I’m trying to finish, rendered in Cycles)

  • Carrozza

    Happy new year to you and your family, Oana!

    I like this ‘unfinished’ scene, I see some artist attitude in it.

  • Oana

    Felice Anno Nuovo Carroza! Spero che Babbo Natale le abbia portato dei belli giocatoli 🙂