Archive for Imports


Just talking

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What is THAT? you will ask. Well nothing exactly, I was playing around a bit to unwind after “serious work”. I opened Alchemy, a fun random drawing software I sometimes use for “doodling”. When an interesting shape took form, I saved it as svg, opened it in Inkscape to clean it a bit, then in Blender. It imported as a planar curve object, so I converted it to mesh, made a random selection of vertices and moved it around a bit and got this. Not particularly useful in real life projects but I needed an image at the top of my post to draw your attention 🙂
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In a nutshell: use Autocad12 ASCII DXF format to get 2d data from dwg files into Blender 2.58 using free software Draftsight or Autodesk online dwg tool if you do not have Autocad.

The long story:

Blender importers have kept changing over time. At the time of writing this article I have tested Blender 2.58 and the imported formats I could find useful in this matter are .3ds .dxf and .svg

The most used format in the architectural world remains DWG files from Autocad, and as Blender does not import dwg you’ll have to have an intermediate software to view edit and export your files.

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Categories : Imports, Modeling, Workflow
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What a long title! I updated this info for Blender 2.59

When building an architectural 3d model, the simplest and fastest way to get my cad-dwg reference into Blender is by inserting it as a raster image mapped to a plane. To make the best of this method, I also want to scale the plane so the drawing is at correct size and then have everything positioned neatly.


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Categories : Imports, Modeling, Workflow
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Importing Cad reference to Blender

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I have finally managed to set up a new wiki-type section on the website. It’s called “How to” and for now it only has some info on importing 2d cad data into Blender but my intention is to cover all basic needs for architectural visualisation with Blender and have the information there at hand and easy to find.

You can read the new article here: Importing 2d cad files to Blender

Dxf imported

I hope this will prove useful, any comments and suggestions are welcome.

Categories : Imports, Modeling
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First an admiring nod at the new splash screen:

blog-blender 2.58

The new Blender 2.58 release comes with a new tiny but useful feature, “empty image display”

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